Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday's are my day off.....

I think I need to make Friday's my official day off during the week. No doing MOPS, no doing work-work, no making tons of phone calls. A day for being lazy in jammies. Of course, that's never gonna actually happen, but if I think of Fridays that way, maybe it'll be a bright spot in my busy week! hee hee

Don't get me wrong. My busy week is of my own doing and I truly love it. I cannot just sit down or sit still. I'm a freak multi-tasker. So really my Fridays are going to be Floor Fridays---meaning scrub the floors on Fridays---so they might actually get done once a week. I say might because I know myself better than that. Just because it's on the list does not mean I'm gonna do it. I'll find something else to do instead.

I recently joined Facebook, so there's something else to do instead. It's really cool to be connected with old friends and faces. I was talked into it by my friend Andi, and I think she's secretly in a contest to see how many friends we have. Don't tell her I'm winning! LOL Ah the life of a busy yet bored mother, right!

I'm happy to be home from Texas and can't get enough of my kids' hugs and kisses. They're my pride and joy I tell ya! Maybe I need to follow that up with some cute new pics, huh? I'll get right on that, right after I finish my hair, finish scrubbing the floors, fix the toilet paper holder, fold the girls' clothes, wash the rugs, get going on my bookkeeping work, pick up kids from school in 29 minutes. . . . .

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