Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Am From. . . .

This journaling poem of sorts was copied from a friend's blog.
I found it to be very thought-provoking. . . .

I am from a big small town of fried chicken, Top Ramen, and grilled cheese.

I am from the big first home that my daddy built, with a big yard; to the tiny city house with a postage stamp-sized yard, where we became a close family.

I am from the Evergreen tree and rhodedendron bush, to the salty ocean air and breeze.

I am from Sunday School, Lifesaver candies, Certs, humor, and hard work, from Grandpa Ward, and my parents, and many aunts and uncles too!

I am from the God loving and revering, loving, stubborn, born leaders, quick-witted, good with crafts, organized, generous, family-driven Tom and Debby.

From "because I said so" and "wait until your father gets home" and "clean your plate--there's starving children in Africa."

I am from a Christian home, saved by the grace of God, raised in church, sheltered and discipled in a Christian school, given a good Biblical foundation in which to be a light in this world and to teach my children.

I'm from sunny California, born into a blessed family of about 60, from fresh baked bread and apple pies, crispy, golden, holiday turkey, and creamy silk chocolate pie.

From the hard-working mother who taught me how to keep house, to sew, and make a happy family, and the family-man father who taught me to learn everything I can, work first and play later, how to garden, keep the yard, and keep my sense of humor.

I am from a house filled with family photos old and new, big photo albums and boxes somewhat dis-organized but fantastic at telling the stories, a giant antique Bible on the coffee table, lots of collectibles that tell of things we love and wish for, and file boxes of old school papers and projects that are treasures to this day, that have taught me that to treasure these little things.


Heather Landry said...

I really like that journaling concept. Interesting!!

Fruitful Harvest said...

Hi Kristine~
I have a "blog friend" that did the I'm From...poem to write about her daughter that pasted away when she was 3yrs old...she had RSV or something and should of had a nebulizer! The doctor gave her a check and sent them home! She died that night in her mothers arms! Its been 4 years now since the tragidy. The poem was great...very heartwarming!

Hope your having a great day...I can't wait from MOPS!

Fruitful Harvest said...

Its me again~
Georgiann...I forgot sign my comment and I use the screen name
Fruitful Harvest now!
Sorry about the gammar errors in my above comment...I always seem to notice them AFTER I hit the GO button!
